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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Japan Country Facts

Where do people go to play sport?
At the fendow.
Where do people pair? At the park.
How many peoplep live there? 4000,ooo.
What would the time be in Japan? 12 oclock.
What seas are near Japan? 3 behind behind nz.
What is the biggest airport called? Narita.

By Alyssa.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Funky Sunglasses

This Term, Rimu Team have been learning about sun safety.

We are SunSmart when we... in the shade.
...wear SunSmart clothing.
...wear broad spectrum 30+ sunscreen.

To finish the unit we made some funky sunglasses.

Here is Room 16 with some of their funky sunglasses.