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Monday, June 29, 2009

Selwyn School SunSmart Policy 2009

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun causes sunburn, skin damage and increases the risk of skin cancer. New Zealand, along with Australia, has the highest melanoma rates in the world. One or more episodes of sunburn in childhood and adolescence have been shown to increase the risk of melanoma later in life.

Throughout New Zealand sun protection is required from October to March inclusive, especially between the hours of 11am and 4pm. Therefore, this policy applies only during Terms 1 and 4.
Note: There are also benefits from sun exposure, including Vitamin D absorption, which is important for the development of healthy bones, muscles and teeth.

During the winter months, students should be encouraged to actively enjoy the sun. This policy is adopted from ( DATE ) so that children attending Selwyn School are protected from harmful UV radiation from the sun.

As part of general SunSmart strategies, during Terms 1 and 4, between 11am and 4pm, our school will:

• Require children to wear broad-brimmed (min 7.5cms), legionnaire or bucket hats (min 6 cm. brim, deep crown) when they are outside (e.g. interval, lunch, sport, excursions and activities).
• Provide extra hats for children to borrow if appropriate.
• Encourage a "No Hat, Play in the Shade" rule where children without hats play in shaded areas.
• Work with wider school community to promote students’ use of SPF 30+ broad spectrum sunscreen (*).
• Encourage children to wear clothing that protects the skin from the sun (e.g.
sleeves and collars).
• Require staff to role model SunSmart behaviour, particularly the use of appropriate hats, within the school grounds and during outdoor school activities. • Regularly publicise and reinforce the SunSmart Policy, for example, through newsletters, parent meetings, student and teacher activities.
• Inform parents of the SunSmart Policy at enrolment, especially the use of appropriate hats, clothing, SPF 30+ sunscreen, and encourage parents to practise SunSmart behaviour themselves.

• Incorporate SunSmart education and activities at all levels when delivering the curriculum.

• Work towards developing and improving existing shade, particularly in areas where students congregate. Shade can be both built and natural (e.g. constructed shelter and trees).
• Whenever possible schedule outdoor activities and sports events before 11am (**).
• Organize outdoor activities to be held in areas with plenty of shade whenever possible.

Reinforcement and evaluation
• Ensure ongoing assessment of SunSmart behaviour, shade provision, and curriculum emphasis.
• Review of the SunSmart policy by the Board of Trustees and Principal at least every 3 years.
• *Sunscreen should not be the sole or primary form of protection.
• **The Cancer Society recommends holding school excursions early in the day to cut down the exposure to UV radiation. Plan them for venues where adequate shade is available or alternatively provide your own shade by taking umbrellas or tents.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

At the WareHouse

Yesterday I went to the WareHouse to buy a present for my Nanny Sarah and my Nanny Sara. We got my Nanny Sara a card and chocolates! My favourite!!!! For my other Nan we got her a cup that said I love you mum, then it had Hearts and Stars. Then i said, "P-r-e-t-t-y!!!!" Then I got some donuts!! I said, "Yummmmm!!!"

Written by Preslee


On the 10th of May my favourite Dog died. I was sad to hear. She is going by my uncle. But now she is not sick and has cancer now. She is going up to heaven. She loves me too.

Written by Kaleb

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Snakes are reptiles and cold blooded.

Snakes slither on the ground.

Snakes like to lie in the shade when they get too hot.

Snakes like to swim in the water.

Snakes eat animals.

Snakes swallow their prey.

Snakes have scaly skin and are different colours.

Snakes lie in the sun to get warm.

Written by Tumanako

Monday, June 15, 2009

Fruit in Schools Petition

In June next year (2010) our fruit will STOP!

The government has decided not to fund it after that. Please add your full name, address, and phone number in the comment box, and we will print them out and add them to our petition, asking that the government continues to supply our schools with fruit, as the benefits to the nutritional health of our children is obvious.

Your support on this is greatly appreciated.

Carey Bennett
(Health Promoting Schools Lead Teacher)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

At soda springs

On Saturday night at 6:00 I went to soda springs. There was a water fall hole. At the place there is a rockey slide. On the other side there is a (lake) river and it is yucky. But on the other side there is a nice hot steep pool.It has a steep steep hole.It is by the grass.Would you like to get back out and go on the slide I said to my brother. Okay then lets go. WOW. We said a big .STOMACH. Came it was huge. She stepped here and stepped there. Mum ,Mikayla ,aunty Kay there was a big lady there. She is pregant oh look shes in the pool now you can go back now yahow we said but be queit. So when it was 9:00 we had to get out. So we got dressed and put on our socks and shoes and jumped in the truck. And we got some blankets and slept in the lounge and we were happy watcking t.v and eating ice-cream and chocolate by Tangiroimata


There are many sorts of icebergs they are very big but they have a little bit sticking up out of the water but it is very big under neath it.They can melt in water.One can even look like a sky skraper.

Written by Talia

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Night at the museum 2

On the queens birthday weekend we had nothing to do so we decided to go to the movies.First we went into the car to drive to the movies.The time would be 1:30 for the movie to start!So......we went shopping at farmers.I got some jeans then we watched night at the museum 2.Ifelt happy!!!

written by Jimah

Rugby League

On Saturday I watched my brother Darnelle play Rugby league. His score was 17 points to 12 and he won one trophy and a medal. He had a sausage sizzle and a fizzy drink. And the name of the fizzy drink was sprite. And he had an icecream. I felt proud of my brother.
Written by Issac